型 号(Model): ABM/6/350/NUV/DCCD/M
生产商(Manufacturer): ABM Inc.
用 途(Applicatio):
Used for aligning masks on wafers with photo-resist.
主要参数(Main Parameters):
Source:350W NUV Hg lamp,365nm,400nm,436nm
Uniform Beam Size:6""diamater area
Beam Uniformity:±1-2% over 2""diamater area
±2-3% over 4""diamater area
±3-5% over 6""diamater area
Mask Size:3"" and 5""
Wafer Size:2"" and 4""
Exposure Mode: Soft contact
Hard contact
Vacuum contact
Proximity gap
Best resolution: 0.6 micrometer
Exposure Time: 0.1-999.9 adjustable
Dual CCD magnification: 90x-600x
负 责 人(Person in Charge:
杨晔(Dr. Ye YANG) Tel: 86685162
李佳(Dr. Jia LI) Tel: 86685163